Bracing ourselves for home living, learning and working

Tanya kemp
Note to self: Every situation is always chaging and evolving. You don’t need to get everything done in one day. Every day is a new beginning and an opportunity to add or change something. Take it easy!

My suggestion for today is this: 

Set your home up in a novel way to encourage curiosity and exploration

Along with the need for us to guide and connect with our kids, we also have a responsibility to help them on a journey of self-discovery, independent play, exploration and to develop an appreciation of their own interests and unique way of thinking. 

Our home has now become the place in which they spend most of their time and by simply keeping it as is, its hard for them to make the adjustment that there are now new opportunities for growth in this same old home environment. 

Some ideas to try:

Create Play Stations or Invitations to play in different parts of the house. A corner for reading, drawing/art/craft, pretend play/dress up, playdough or similar and an area that promotes gross motor movement. These can stay the same for a day or two and then introduce a variation again. Provide as much structure in each of these environments as your child needs. For example in a dress up corner you may put up a picture or two of a super-hero or nurse or whatever to give a clue as to what to do in this area. Then let your kids do with that area what they like. Allow them the freedom to explore in their own way. 

The stations/corners would work even better if they are created with your child’s sensory needs in mind. 

Take your kids on a walking tour at the start to introduce the change and be patient – they may not ‘lean into’ the change right off the bat. Our kids often need to have us join them in play first (we do) before they feel they can initiate and/or maintain play independently. Know your child and scaffold as needed. Slowly increase the time of free/independent play and be flexible – some days may just work better than other days.


Take time to routinely check in and share laughter/appreciation for what your kids did or are doing. 

Some open-ended questions that may be helpful at certain points during the day – perhaps at mealtime or when you’re all together - to get you started:


This is your space for being caring and compassionate to yourself.

For the rest of the day, notice the number of self-criticisms and the number of compassionate encouragements you give to yourself. Set an intention to shift that ratio towards compassion